Sand Divers 3

Over the past decades, a significant increase in the demand for sea cucumber has led to an explosion in exploitation resulting in population declines in many producing nations. Catches have been declining over the last 10 years and fishers are reported to be catching smaller and reproductively immature individuals. Madagascar’s annual beche-de-mer production shows boom and burst features with high production in mid to late 80’s and dramatic decline of more than 90% by 1994-1995.

Un éleveur examine le stock d’holothuries génitrices. Les enclos marins accumulent trop d’algues et doivent être nettoyés régulièrement afin d’assurer une bonne santé du stock. Des gardes, armés d’une fronde, sont là pour dissuader les voleurs.

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Nosy Berafia, Andreva, Andavadoaka, Tulear, Madagascar 2016 ©