Time Travel as told by orphans 9

A tent is constructed a day’s walk from Projet de Vie, the displaced families installed and allocated zebus. The zebus attract the dahalo who soon enough attack the new arrivals. Terrified, they run away and find shelter at the made orphans of yesteryear. Families had nothing except the clothes on their backs, resources at the village are not enough to feed all the newcomers, so, some find a way back to Antananarivo, some get lost, some join the dahalo, and eventually, out of the 30 families, three remain. These rent houses for shelter, rent land to plant and thus can’t afford to send their children to school.


The victims of Manga Be have learnt to forgive their captors and the injustices done them, however, their memories have not been affected, they still want the promised land.

Bongolava, Antananarivo © 2017

a collaborative work and message with: Safidy Andrianantenaina ]

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