Time Travel as told by orphans 4

At maximum capacity, the assigned space can squeeze in up to 300 kids. Due to lack of familial information, names are given and ages guessed. Rumors circulate amongst the kids about their certain death, and while the courageous escape, some are recaptured or return after having sold their clothes. More than 3,000 names are recorded. Parents who want to retrieve their children – if they even know where to go – must present a family book, proof of schooling and proof of housing. In a country where birth registration is estimated at less than 70%, the unfortunate die. Those who survive are distributed by gender: boys to catholics, girls to protestants and a mix to Antoka to be part of a pilot project: Projet de Vie (Project of Life).

Although she reunited with Edoxia, she still asks what happened to her son Julien

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a collaborative work and message with: Safidy Andrianantenaina ]

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